Comprehensive Internal Medicine Services at Companion Animal Clinic

At Companion Animal Clinic, we are proud to serve the communities of Ames and Gilbert, Iowa, with our expert internal medicine services. Our team of skilled veterinarians is committed to providing your beloved pets with the highest level of care, ensuring their well-being and longevity. Whether your pet is experiencing a medical condition or you're seeking preventive care, our internal medicine specialists are here to help.

Our internal medicine services at Companion Animal Clinic encompass a wide range of health concerns. We offer thorough diagnostics and tailored treatment plans for conditions affecting internal organs, including heart disease, diabetes, respiratory issues, and gastrointestinal disorders. With advanced medical equipment and a compassionate approach, we ensure your pets receive the best possible care.

Contact us at (515) 233-6689 to schedule an appointment and discuss your pet's internal health needs. Our experienced team will work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan. We understand the importance of addressing internal health issues promptly and effectively, and we're here to provide guidance and support every step of the way.

At Companion Animal Clinic, your pet's well-being is our top priority. With our internal medicine services, you can trust that your furry family members are in capable hands. We strive to maintain a high standard of care and keep your pets healthy and happy. Experience the difference with Companion Animal Clinic, where internal medicine meets compassionate expertise.


What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for pets?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a cutting-edge treatment that harnesses your pet's own blood plasma with concentrated platelets to accelerate healing. Our PUREVET PRP product is designed specifically for pets, offering a natural and effective solution to various conditions.

How does PRP Therapy work?

During a PRP Therapy session, a small amount of your pet's blood is drawn and processed using a specialized centrifuge. This separates the platelet-rich plasma, which is then injected into the affected area. The high concentration of growth factors and bioactive proteins stimulates tissue repair and reduces inflammation, providing a natural alternative to drugs and steroids.

Are there any side effects or risks associated with PRP Therapy for pets?

PRP Therapy is generally considered safe for pets, as it utilizes their own blood components. However, as with any medical procedure, there are potential risks and side effects. These can include temporary swelling, discomfort at the injection site, or minimal bleeding. Our veterinarians will discuss these risks with you during the consultation.

Is PRP Therapy suitable for all pets?

PRP Therapy can be beneficial for many pets, but individual cases may vary. Factors such as the pet's overall health, specific condition being treated, and other treatments they are receiving will be considered. Our veterinarians will assess your pet's suitability for PRP Therapy during the consultation.

How many PRP Therapy sessions does my pet need?

The number of PRP Therapy sessions required can vary based on the condition being treated and your pet's response to the treatment. Some pets may see improvement after a single session, while others may benefit from multiple sessions spaced apart. Our veterinarians will create a personalized treatment plan for your pet.

Can PRP Therapy be combined with other treatments?

Yes, PRP Therapy can often be used in conjunction with other treatments to enhance results. It can complement surgical procedures, medications, physical therapy, and more. Our veterinarians will discuss the best approach for your pet's specific needs.

How long do the effects of PRP Therapy last?

The duration of PRP Therapy effects can vary depending on the condition being treated, your pet's overall health, and lifestyle factors. Some pets may experience long-lasting benefits, while others may require periodic maintenance sessions. Our team will provide guidance on post-treatment care and follow-up.

Contact us today to learn more about how PUREVET PRP Therapy can benefit your pet's health and well-being. Click below to schedule a consultation and find out if PRP Therapy is the right option for your beloved companion!

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